Our services.
Complying Development Flood Certificates.
For clients seeking a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) on a flood affected property, we will assess the flood characteristics of your development site against the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) criteria, and if successful provide a hydraulic engineer’s certificate. Typically, all we need are your proposed development plans!
Flood Development Reports.
For development sites deemed to have significant flood risk, your local Council may request a flood report. We will carry out a performance-based assessment in line with the requirements of your local Council, and provide advice and recommendations using best industry practice of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
Structural Design
We provide structural design for residential structures such as houses, town houses, units, swimming pools, retaining walls, jetties, decks etc. Working in timber, steel, concrete, masonry, and aluminium.
Designs are documented on construction drawings, and site inspections can be carried out as required by the certifying authority.
Civil and stormwater design
We can provide civil engineering including stormwater design, pavement design, swept path analysis and landscaping to comply with your local councils civil engineering guidelines.
We have the ability to use hydraulic modelling software to accurately determine the water storage requirements for your unique site.